My daughter caught one of those horrible diseases that run their course in the time it takes to call the school and tell them she’s not going.
Oh well, I had plenty of those myself, back in the day. I even remember one of those fevers that makes a thermometer literally blow up. It had been difficult, that time, to explain my mother how the fire hob ended up covered in mercury and glass splinters.
Anyway, between one parental care and another, it’s time to clean up my computer of old files, archive approved stuff, tag reference images and so on.
I also took some time to check what freelance work is good to be published, and I have to admit it’s quite a fair amount of stuff!
On the other hand I noticed, to my regret and a bit of astonishment, that my last post was more than 2 months ago.
I know it sounds like a recurrent excuse, but I’ve REALLY been busy. Like, actually drawing things.
So busy, in fact, that I don’t know how many emails I still have to reply to, or how many “ah yes I’ll do it in a minute” I left hanging there, unresolved. Possibly, how many people I’ve offended!
Don’t be offended people, but my memory is already pretty shit and when I’m that busy it gets even worse.
Anyway, as it’s also customary in Januaries, I looked back to what I’ve done during the past twelve months.
It seems that:
Also, I made about an illustration every 2.5 days. Which means that though I haven’t been that prolific at posting on my blog, at least I seem to have churned out a respectable amount of artwork.
Since it’s all neatly packed in the same place now, here’s the artwork I’ve completed since January 2013.
There’s at least as much material in my Hard drive, still covered by NDA.
In fact, I am SO looking forward to posting what I’m working on at the moment. Unfortunately it will have to wait until the end of Spring I’m afraid.
In the meantime all the rest is lined up and ready, so hopefully in the next few weeks I should be slightly less inefficient at updating my blog.
by Paolo Puggioni