Well, for one reason or another I haven’t been to the gym for three weeks, which kind of sucks.
On the other hand this gives me the chance to do some speed painting during the lunch break.
It’s vital that I finish what I start within an hour, because I noticed that my tendency to get bored with things in general has gotten worse, and that includes my own works as well. The ones done for the sake of it, of course.
This means that I can’t give too much thought to the speed painting and I just have to start scrawling.
For this reason I’m loving this software, which I found thanks to my friend and colleague Dave. It’s called Alchemy, it allows you to spawn one random shape after another and, most importantly, it’s free. Oh, and it’s both for mac and for pc.
Of course you have some input on the shapes, as you can find out after two minutes of fiddling with the settings. When you come up with a shape that for some reason you’re happy with (and which makes sense to your eyes), you just have to start with the random sketching and colouring over.
I started with this
and ended up with this.
Again, another sci-fi-ish subject, so what?