Basically I was looking for the best way to create believable clouds in Blender for something completely unrelated, and I came across the awesome CloudScapes addon.
So, this is an obvious attempt at messing around with volumetric clouds. Did I overdo it? Maybe! But I have a thing for clouds, I like to draw them, paint them, take pictures of them and now generate them in a 3D scene.
I then just hastily put together a very cheap couple space station just to avoid having a picture just of clouds.
As all this work I’m doing in Blender is pretty much a way to learn something new every time, along the way I learned how to better manage volume shaders in Blender, which is something I hadn’t spent much time on before.
The one thing I’ve learned about Blender is that it’s the deepest rabbit hole I could ever have dived into.
You learn one new thing and another three pop up that you had never thought about.
As for the rest, the greebles and paneling are just displacement maps made with SciFi FLEX, and since the scene ended up being super low poly I put together a short animation because why not:)
For the 2D image I did very minimal editing. Mostly the lights from the ships’ engines, as I really didn’t have the time to do those in Blender.
I know, it’s just 5 seconds, but apparently that’s the attention span of the average Internet user.
by Paolo Puggioni