The Coinspinner was made for City of the Seven Seraph, a Pathfinder campaign now fully funded and I believe already available.
I made this right in the middle of my move from the UK back to Italy, on top of all the work that I had left building up due to the move, so I remember this being quite a hectic period.
Nonetheless, I’m quite happy about the result: I found out that I LOVE drawing water.
Incidentally I’m about post another illustration that I made about the same time, with a lot more prominent ocean.
Also, the brief needed the ship to look organic and not too far away from H.R.Giger’s aesthetics, which was a nice plus for me.
Anyway, I’m not sure I’m allowed to publish the other work I made for Lost Spheres Publishing but I’ll double check.
In the meantime I’ll probably post some more artwork with raging oceans, now that I got a taste for it:)
Also, oddly enough I didn’t throw away the sketch for the Coinspinner, so here you go.
by Paolo Puggioni