I could have depicted him in many ways.
Robert was as quick to laughter as he was to rage, he was bold and charming, and the most fearsome warrior of his times.
As a character he could have been suited well both holding a horn of ale or bored to death while attending to one of the kingly duties he loathed so much.
He seemed to enjoy just the idea of being a king, but not so much all the responsibilities that came with the position.
For this particular illustration I chose to see him already ahead in his life, aged by the burdens of the Iron Throne, the intrigues of his court and the excesses he was used to.
According to the Game of Thrones books, he couldn’t fit into his old armour any more. However, I figured he would love to wear some battle garments here and there, as a reminder of how he was.
Unfortunately by the time they offered me the assignment I was already working on something else, so I could only accept a limited amount of illustrations.
Which sucks, because the characters for this assignment were all pretty cool, and I enjoyed the job quite a lot.
Also, I had just finished reading the second book of the Game of Thrones series, and I had their faces (or how my mind imagined them) still vivid in my mind.
I’ll post some more characters in the next few days.
And I’ll stay by the door waiting for the postman to deliver my second big shiny book
by Paolo Puggioni