Google Art Project must be another of those things that I discover after everybody else.
It happens sometimes: I had never seen a tumble dryer before moving to England (in Italy we use, you know, The Sun to dry our clothes). So one day I announced triumphantly to all my friends “I have just bought an amazing device! It dries clothes! It’s called Stumble Drier or something!” and everyone looked at me in silence, a bit awkwardly, as if I had just announced I discovered tap water.
Anyway, it’s not that I have just discovered Google art projects, it’s that the first time I looked at it there wasn’t much stuff on, and now it’s amazing.
The pictures are all high res (you can zoom in impossibly close) and, as I just found out by chance from this blog post, you can save your own art collection, which is handy if your reference folder is already as massive as mine.
You can browse it by collection, by artists and by artwork.
Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t seem possible to download the images to your machine, which sucks just a little bit.
But really, just a little tiny bit. Good job guys.