I Suck At Coloured Pencils
How long ha sit been now, fifteen years? Twenty?
Whatever, I can’t hold it in any longer: Mrs. Fausta, when you were teaching me how to use coloured pencils back in Primary School, I was thinking of something else. There, I said it, I feel better now.
I should have listened to you, and I didn’t, ok? I can’t remember what I was thinking of, spaceships, rainbows, who knows. The fact is, I’m as good at drawing with coloured pencils as I was when I was 10. I don’t know why. I don’t want to brag but I’m kind of ace with normal pencils. Coloured pencils, instead, don’t like me.
It’s not my fault, I actually love them, and I fiercely envy those who are proficient with the apparently sophisticated art of drawing with kids tools.
No matter how hard I try, they have the despicable tendency to turn brown as soon as I look away, colours don’t mix the way I expect, and, well, did I mention the turning brown issue? They do it a lot.
I drew something a few days back. I won’t post it because it sucks. Big time. But I tried blending the colours with my awesome watercolour brush, and even if that made them suck even more, I understood why. There’s hope with watercolours. Coloured pencils, on the other hand, will be an upward slope.
The good thing about my failure is that I went back to traditional media, at least a bit. I’ll always be better at sketching on paper than I am on screen. The only way around it would be buying a Cintiq, as I said before. Or inheriting one from a deceased artsy uncle I haven’t yet met.
God I’d really love having a Cintiq.
Anyway, I did some doodling the other day. Nothing special but I love paper, always will.
By the way, I highly recommend this website to buy drawing material. They have a lot of stuff and they’re quick to deliver.
I’m in love with the sketchbook I got, Artifolk A3 Landscape harback 150gsm.

it WAS too long. And I’m sure we’ll get to see some great stuff with colored pencils in the future, from you.
Or even some good stuff. Or normal stuff.
Just post more, for the love of God!