In this illustration he is in one of many situations in which Mormont is reprimanding him for some reason.
Mormont was one of my favourite characters too.
Too bad that… oh damn it, how can I speak my mind without spoiling the books or the TV series to everyone?
Anyway. They had a really nice dynamic. Mormont a lord of ancient family, proud and stern, but good inside.
Jon Snow with noble blood as well, just spoilt by the detail of being born of an illicit relationship, and being reminded about it around fifty times per page.
They both had something to be sad for, which is why maybe they made such a good couple of characters.
Hold on, in Game of Thrones everyone is sad about something.
You care about these two, though.
I chose to depict the scene in warm colours, despite being set at Castle Black, where it would make more sense to convey the sense of worry for the constant menace of the cold (and the things that thrive in it).
Then I thought that a cold mood would have made the scene too negative. The characters are already clad in black, and it would have looked more like a judge about to convict a criminal, or something like that.
I think the warm light makes it easier to think of a benevolent scolding rather than an angry accusation.
The only thing I’m not entirely sure about in the drawing is the cup on the table.
I meant it to be ornate enough to be fit for the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. However, I might have made the design a little too complex, so perhaps it steals a bit of attention from Mormont and Jon Snow.
Again, it was perfect for me when I finished it. I should never look at my finished drawing again.
by Paolo Puggioni