Life Drawing and Stuff
24th Oct 2010 0

I can’t remember where I read that musicians always recognize other musicians even when they’re not playing, artists recognize artists and so on.
Yesterday my friends and I went to Life Drawing Class (hey, our stuff is already online, well done!) and while looking for the place we got mixed up by mistake with a group of disgruntled studenty-looking people who were being given a tour of the studios nearby.

When we joined the lot, most of them gave us the cold shoulder and I thought “wow, the grumpiest artists I’ve ever seen, this will be fun”.
After a couple of awkward minutes we realized the mistake and found the right place, where we were greeted by shiny happy people fiddling with drawing pads and stuff.
“A-ha! These are artists” – I thought – “much more fun people”.

Anyway, the class was great, it was ages (gosh, ages, really) since the last time someone mentored me with drawing and I enjoyed every bit of it.
We were also impressed by the model’s skills, we ended up sketching 10-seconds poses (I found out that I suck at it. 30 seconds are fine, 10 seconds are not even close to be enough!) and, well, I realized I couldn’t even think of going from one position to another in that short a time.
Ok, I have the backbone of a ninety year old, but still, hats off.
So, thanks to Kath, Zane and Ally, and if anyone lives in Yorkshire and fancies some awesome drawing classes, join here.

In other news, I just received my sketchbook from *THE PROJECT*, and, damn, it’s 80 pages to go. It means more or less a couple of sketches a day if I want to finish within the deadline, which is dreadful considering the amount of spare time I have.
But I’ll try.

(Do or do not! There is no try).

I have been told my portfolio lacks completely in vehicles and I want to fix that.
Like, I’ll start to work on something from tomorrow.
It won’t be easy, since I am maybe one of the two-three Italians who have never given a crap about cars and moving machines in general (due to ninety percent of my family being made up by females I suppose).
I mean, I find farming machinery more interesting than sports cars.

Hold on. Ok, I’ll start concepting farm machines then.
Laser powered farming machines from space, maybe.

In further news I got in touch with an illustrator I’ve been following for a while, and apart from being ace, she’s also really kind and spoilt me with good words. She said the website is really well designed, so I’ll pass the compliment to The Maker.

I’ll end with this link that has been sitting in my favourites folder for a couple of weeks with the intent of posting it on this blog (ok, I’ve been busy).
It’s the collection of the top 20 microscope photos of the super awesome 36th annual Nikon Small World competition.
They’re all coloured shiny images, enjoy.

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