Fortunately, I must say, never at work. Pressure there is quite high so, for some reason unknown to me, my brain dutifully works on what it is asked for, and shuts down only after five o’clock.
When I get stuck at home I generally have to focus on something completely different, leave the source of my sorrows in the back of my mind and go back to it after a few days. It generally works.
In the meantime, enter Lilith.
Lilith is possibly one of my favourite mythological figures.
First, she’s a demon, and I love drawing demons. You can put together a bunch of organs with some teeth sticking out of an elbow, or an anatomically flawless human with evil eyes and you can never go wrong.
Then, she’s old, like REALLY old. She was first mentioned in ancient sumerian poems, then in Jewish mythology and eventually in the bible (let’s not mention the fact that a book that allegedly puts together the word of god shouldn’t rip off pagan mythology, ok?).
Lilith used to be Adam’s first wife, made from the same dirt, before Eve was manufactured off one of Adam’s ribs.
In other myths she’s the one giving men all sorts of sexual dreams, during which she takes their seed to spawn a progenie of fiends, forever bound to her powerful will in hell.
Because of her nature of twisted “First Mother”, I decided to depict her with big belly and breasts, like some sort of evil Gaia, carried around by some of the minions she spawned.
So there you go, happy mother’s day!