At least I’m quite happy about this one, the nymphs are as pretty as the lore requires (I hope), but odd enough to come across as non-human.
As I said before, I think nymphs should be at least a little unsettling. I mean, they live on the shore of small rivers, and possibly catch their own fish and eat it raw. So I figure they must be skilled predators, with agile fingers and sharp teeth.
And of course gills.
I had started (and almost finished) a whole illustration. Unfortunately the result was so poor that I just deleted it. The badness was so wide spread that it wasn’t even possible to point my finger on something to fix. Just easier to throw it in the bin and move on to something else.
Sometimes it happens. Not a good feeling when you waste time this way, but it happens.
Too bad the sketch was pretty good I think, I had great hopes:(
Nymphs are done, now my new endeavour will be drawing a card for my sister.
My little sister gets married, and she wants me to draw her cards, how cool is that?
I doubt I’ll be allowed to post them though, (also, I doubt anyone but few selected people would care) so in the next few days I’ll keep posting images from Game of Thrones, for a change.
by Paolo Puggioni
Hey paolo.. these are gorgeous.. you could almost leave the right most one as an illustration in its own right. Love the colour changes and blends.
Thanks Sam!:)