Of the whole bunch I’ll just post the next two. The first one is a website with a load of pictures from the backstage of famous movies. Some of them are incredibly cute so it deserves to be saved on my blog forever. As usual, the image links to the original website.
The second (awesome) link is Inspirational Works of Art, which gathers together like a billion paintings from old masters. I found it a while ago on Gurney’s blog, which is, as always, an inestimable source of information.
As if that weren’t enough, the site is also packed with anatomy images, photo references and links to other useful resources.
I can’t find any information on who went through the hassle of putting all that stuff together. It’s a pure act of love, so, guy I can’t find any contact information of: thanks.
Of all the images you can find there I’ll post this portrait of a man with an alien tucked in his crotch.
In other news, I’m working on an incredibly cool project that (hopefully) will fill my evenings for quite a while. The sucky part about it is that I can’t reveal what it is until it’s published, which I will do as soon as possible TO SHAMELESSLY BRAG ABOUT IT.