Now, even though I enjoyed every single Star Wars card I made, I obviously enjoyed some more than others.
I mean, when you read in your briefs things like “Darth Vader does this” and “Han solo does that” you can’t help but giggle a little bit. When I got this assignment I actually went “Woo-hoo, Bail Organa!”
The reason why Bail Organa was one of my favourites is that I’ve had a bro-crush for Jimmy Smits since forever.
Look at his face, wouldn’t you trust a guy with that face? Wouldn’t he be the first one you call at 3 am when you accidentally murder your friend after a heated Super Smash Bros game you lost because of controller buffering?
He wouldn’t judge you, Jimmy Smits would never judge you.
And who would you want as a president of your country? That’s right, Matt Santos.
Which is why, after the mandatory 100th re-watch of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Siths required to paint this, I also watched again the West Wing. You know, to get into the spirit. Like method acting but for artists.
In fact, since digging up this image just made me think about it, I think that today I’ll also watch again the Jane Austen Book Club, which is a movie you should really check if, like me and every other sane person, you like Jimmy Smits.
Anyway, back to Bail Organa.
The other cool thing about this card is that I got to draw a Gran (that guy on Bail Organa’s right), which is a race that I loved since Return of the Jedi.
Although I also always wondered how the three-eyed set up would make sense under an evolutionary point of view, as all three of them pointing the same direction would have little benefit in terms of vision span.
I tried to keep the brush strokes more loose while painting the secondary characters, and I think that for once I managed to avoid over-polishing.
It’s subtle, but I think it works towards having Bail Organa stand out more, which he god dam deserves, doesn’t he.
Anyway, I would have posted this sooner but I’ve had some issues with WordPress, which the always impeccable Papermoustache managed to fix (thanks again!).
Next time I’ll post some Storm Troopers.
by Paolo Puggioni