By “whole bunch” I mean that I’ve been working on various Star Wars Destiny packs since about 2017, so much so that I have a folder bursting with illustrations that I’ve been itching to show around for the better part of two years.
The second best thing about it is that Fantasy Flight Games always sends us the actual physical copies once they’re released. The other day I got my Star Wars Destiny box in the mail box, and it’s glorious.
I mean, look at it. Look at it!
This is the Obi Wan Kenobi Starter Set, for which I had the pleasure of drawing Obi Wan himself, depicted in the period of the Star Wars lore between the Clone Wars and A New Hope.
Yes, I’ll post the high res image soon, I’m still getting them all ready.
In the early stages of these projects we usually have a temporary working title, so I’m never sure of what actual releases my illustrations end up in.
For example, young Anakin chatting with Senator Palpatine in A Tale of Tragedy is included in Convergence, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made something for Star Wars Destiny Two-Player Game. However, since I haven’t yet received the physical copies of everything I’ve worked on, I wouldn’t swear on it.
For this reason, and since I’m kind of terrified of breaking my NDA with Fantasy Flight Games and Lucasfilms, I’ve scoured the Internet to double check that everything I’d like to show had actually been released in some form or another.
I’ve found a couple here (that’s my Padme right there!:)) and a few other in other websites, so in the next few days I’d be posting images and sketches of what has been released so far.
I can’t really describe how privileged I feel about having worked on anything even remotely related to Star Wars.
I believe this had been a dream of mine since I got out of the theater after I first saw Star Wars in 1977.
As a matter of fact, I remember nerdy 5 years old me did try to draw Luke Skywalker in the trash compactor back then, but he couldn’t manage anything better than a couple of stick figures.
So, when I was asked to work on the project I’d already been happy to draw a couple of blasters and a light saber. Instead I had the pleasure of drawing most of the main characters at different points of their story, including Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and others.
Also, every single Fantasy Flight Games Art Director has been a pleasure to work with, which is a big plus on the already very positive assignment.
Long story short, I’ll post Star Wars Destiny artwork soon, and yes, I’ll be bragging about it a lot.
by Paolo Puggioni