Week 15 in Pretty Pictures
18th Apr 2011 0

Last week was the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s heroic flight, I want to remember the first man in space with these famous pictures, doctored by the soviet propaganda. (Click on the image for more)

For some odd coincidence last week was also the 30th anniversary of the Shuttle’s first mission.
NASA announced the locations of the three space museum where the Discovery, the Enterprise and the Endeavour will rest in peace after three decades of honourable service. This, of course, after the last flight in late June.

Now, for something completely different, some pretty pictures about China’s daily life.
There’s nothing really other-corner-of-the-world about them, which is quite normal considering they’re pictures of daily life.
They caught my eye though, so here they are.

BONUS CONTENT – this one cracked me up. Unfortunately it can be appreciated only by gamers:)

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