Winter Is Coming
29th Aug 2011 0

Gosh I haven’t been posting anything in a while, I’m sure you missed me, Internet.
I’ve been kind of busy, I’ve worked on a really nice project, which of course I crave to post as soon as it’s released.
People involved were happy about it and everything went smooth and clean, so I can’t wait to be allowed to talk about it.

When I wasn’t busy working I had guests, lots of them, usually from Italy but not only, so this Summer I never had the time to do much else.
AH! Summer! I almost forgot how it was like to have a proper one. In Yorkshire Summer is just a slightly less cold Winter, with almost no difference in precipitations.
Don’t you dare making any comments on that, you guys still up there, yes, the weather sucks up North!

Anyway, the other news are that I finally deleted my Facebook account. The new policy agreement I was never informed about really pissed me off so I backed everything up and told them to go to hell.
This was my last post, if anyone wants to know what I’m up they can follow me on G+.

One thing I did when my stepsister was here was going through ALL the Harry Potter movies from 1 to 7 (we haven’t finished yet).
I don’t know why we did it, we just did. I can’t deny it was quite a shock seeing them again as young kids after the epic scale of the last movie, in which they were already young adults.
To celebrate the trouble I’m going through, here’s a bunch of pictures I found quite amusing. The last one might be slightly NSFW so if you are in the office STOP SCROLLING NOW.

Ah, I’m about to tackle ZBrush’s steeeep learning curve, I’ll moan about it in the next future.

A cat going into human mode

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